VISIA® Skin Analysis
The Visia skin care system utilizes a UV light to scan your skin, capturing high-resolution images in six key areas. These six areas can affect your complexion, appearance, and overall health. Scanning your skin allows us to understand your surface and subsurface skin conditions, including enlarged pores, wrinkles, uneven skin texture, age spots, pigmentation, and porphyrins (bacteria on the skin). Our trained team will utilize this complete picture of your skin to create a personalized treatment and skin care regimen so that you will see long-term benefits.
What should I expect during my scan?
During your Visia Complexion Analysis, a camera rotates around your face to snap photos of all facial views. Images are taken with one quick, automated series of flashes, giving us a clear picture of your skin.
What will my scan show?
Visia’s UV photography provides information for us to assess and analyze sun damage and reveal porphyrins (bacteria on your skin). Your scan report lets you see fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and more that you may not see with the naked eye.
Interested in seeing your skin up close and personal? Give us a call today at 281-214-7777.





UV- Spots

Brown Spots

Red Areas